Monday, December 10, 2007


Completely pissed off. Angry. Hurt. What the hell man... seriously... everyone else out there dictates my life. I want something means i want it damnit! Why must i always give in to the world? SeriouslY! Im freaking loosing it! This is bullshit! Freaking fed up. You dont even understand how freaking angry i am right now. Im angry to the point that i know im going to destroy someone. Thats stupid. But it leaves me in a situation where i got nothing else that i can do.

Bad Boys, Bad Boys
Watchya Gonna do?
Watchya gonna do?
When we come for you...

I was nice. You played me. Now watch it all unfold.

---- .hahaha. ----

1 comment:

Ritesh Whitecrayon Jeswani said...

More than wondering why do people control you... Try wondering why do you let people control you.

Its more like a self evaluative perception.

Rant well.

Lonely Diddy

Lonely Diddy
Lonely Diddy