You got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal, Maybe together we can get somewhere
Anyplace is better, Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car
And I got a plan to get us out of here
I been working at the convenience store, Managed to save just a little bit of money
We won't have to drive too far, Just 'cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living
You see my old man's got a problem
He live with the bottle that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working, I say his body's too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him, She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody's got to take care of him
So I quit school and that's what I did
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision, We leave tonight or live and die this way
I remember we were driving driving in your car, The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
And we go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain't got a job, And I work in a market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better ,You'll find work and I'll get promoted
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a big house and live in the suburbs
You got a fast car
And I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar ,See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I'd always hoped for better, Thought maybe together you and me would find it
I got no plans I ain't going nowhere
So take your fast car and keep on driving
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
- Tracy Chapman
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Dont be talking to a Stranger!
Word of advice. Do not get talking to no stranger.. cus chances of falling in love.. though you may think its minimal. Its not. Trust me on this account. Anyways so lets conversate once more. Love.. Illusion? Almost certainly not. Hell it sure as hell exist. Though painful. Very incredibally painful. I spelt that wrong i think.. yes yes i know there will be people out there who cant stand bad spelling, but listen up you pain in the rear... this is my blog i shall spell everything wrong if i feel like it. Im dead sure i know how to spell thank you very much. So im feeling ok. Not that bad. Lier shes saying. Shes right. But nothing to take too much to the tension too. What to do.
Girl Loves Boy.
Boy Loves Girl.
Simple equation. Not so simple it seems now. Let me tell you about her. Shes one true beauty of this earth. A pain in the neck. But amazing. Her little cute nose... so unlike mine. Mines sharp and longish. I stress the ish point because its not that long ok! Eyes soo dreamy yet pure. Amazing. Completely captivates me. Lips rarely part when it comes to conversations. Hardly anything is said, yet its all understood. She cant stand to be without me. She really cannot. She lies to herself that she can. Yet the reason she does it.. completely understood. I respect her for that. I cannot put it into words just how much i respect her. What am I to do? Rain drops keep falling on my head... it fell... man i was soaked. Love. Funny isnt it. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehena. True story. People will tend to sit here and say how much of a bitch she is.. but she really isnt. Shes amazing. If not i would have never loved her in the first place. She's my moti. So what if she has a podgy tummy. I love it. Its soo damn cute. I know me and being completely cool with that. A health obsessed freak they used to call me. Now meh!
"Dulce Et Decorum Est" - Go Figure
Girl Loves Boy.
Boy Loves Girl.
Simple equation. Not so simple it seems now. Let me tell you about her. Shes one true beauty of this earth. A pain in the neck. But amazing. Her little cute nose... so unlike mine. Mines sharp and longish. I stress the ish point because its not that long ok! Eyes soo dreamy yet pure. Amazing. Completely captivates me. Lips rarely part when it comes to conversations. Hardly anything is said, yet its all understood. She cant stand to be without me. She really cannot. She lies to herself that she can. Yet the reason she does it.. completely understood. I respect her for that. I cannot put it into words just how much i respect her. What am I to do? Rain drops keep falling on my head... it fell... man i was soaked. Love. Funny isnt it. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehena. True story. People will tend to sit here and say how much of a bitch she is.. but she really isnt. Shes amazing. If not i would have never loved her in the first place. She's my moti. So what if she has a podgy tummy. I love it. Its soo damn cute. I know me and being completely cool with that. A health obsessed freak they used to call me. Now meh!
"Dulce Et Decorum Est" - Go Figure
Sunday, November 18, 2007
You see the thing is fellas... Yesterday i wrote a blog.. and well i had no clue on how to publish it. So i had to ask the help of a certain someone to help me with the publishing process.. Now it will seem as if i really dont have a life and im writing two blogs in one single day.. fair enough.. thats a fair assumption too may i add. Now as i was saying yesterday, if its over id be over. Ok now i lied. It is over, not by choice but it has been enforced onto me. Im not really sure what i did to be honest with you. Im dead sure im been as good as a lad as i can possibly be, but i guess sometimes people see things in you that you yourself never knew existed. Well i hope this is not going to be a case for the rest of my life, cus i sure as hell hope people would stand there and stick up for me. Not the case now, maybe never. But i aint gonna die telling myself that! So hows things craanking along? Im fine.. ok i lied again. Im not fine, yesterday i felt like cow dung, today.. well lets not even get me started there mate. So how do you walk away? Its one of those easier said then done things. People somehow can be stone hearted, but i find that basically impossible to do. I simply cannot do it. Ive been trying, dont doubt me on that, but pretty much with zero sucess. No issue, i shall keep trying, hold my head up high and keep the boat rolling cus M.Diddy still has to become a world champion remember! Now you ask in what sport would i achieve that success. Boxing. Thats it, Im going to be a Boxing World Champion, im not dislussioned either. We iz gonna achieve yo.. foe shizz
Plans for today.. basically to be a bum. Work a lil bit i guess. Keep my chin up for sure! I think im a great lad, and its just a pity that im willing to do a lot for everyone but not vice verse. Im such a whiny little mole arnt I. Well give me a few days.. maybe a couple of weeks and ill be as good as gold again. To be completely honest with you, i do not want to walk away. I really dont. This is one thing that i know i should never walk away from, i just know it. And im dead sure she knows it to! But agh! When the high heirachy get involved its either you stand up to them and be prepared or you simply let it go. Shes letting it go. I know i would have done otherwise, but you see thats me. Incredibally stupid. I really want to make this work. I really really really really really really do. But how? I wished she'd allow me to work this out. But the reason why ill just sit and watch everything just go by is that i dont want to see her cry anymore. Shes a flipping amazing lady, and i have no right to ever make her choose or make her shed one tear more then she already has. By me insisting, its only going to make her emotions raw, to make her feel, which i think is not on. I got no right to do that. I simply have to accept the decision made... it sucks though.. cus its not our decision. But i should just shut up now. You see my white hairs are already growing. Im a decent looking young lad. White hairs dont suit me. Ok ladies and gentlemen, i shall continue this a tad later. Im really upset. And now i have to pretend as if everythings fine. Maybe she can do it, but i cant. I cannot.
"its not easy... to be.... me...."- Superman
Plans for today.. basically to be a bum. Work a lil bit i guess. Keep my chin up for sure! I think im a great lad, and its just a pity that im willing to do a lot for everyone but not vice verse. Im such a whiny little mole arnt I. Well give me a few days.. maybe a couple of weeks and ill be as good as gold again. To be completely honest with you, i do not want to walk away. I really dont. This is one thing that i know i should never walk away from, i just know it. And im dead sure she knows it to! But agh! When the high heirachy get involved its either you stand up to them and be prepared or you simply let it go. Shes letting it go. I know i would have done otherwise, but you see thats me. Incredibally stupid. I really want to make this work. I really really really really really really do. But how? I wished she'd allow me to work this out. But the reason why ill just sit and watch everything just go by is that i dont want to see her cry anymore. Shes a flipping amazing lady, and i have no right to ever make her choose or make her shed one tear more then she already has. By me insisting, its only going to make her emotions raw, to make her feel, which i think is not on. I got no right to do that. I simply have to accept the decision made... it sucks though.. cus its not our decision. But i should just shut up now. You see my white hairs are already growing. Im a decent looking young lad. White hairs dont suit me. Ok ladies and gentlemen, i shall continue this a tad later. Im really upset. And now i have to pretend as if everythings fine. Maybe she can do it, but i cant. I cannot.
"its not easy... to be.... me...."- Superman
Man... M.Diddy on a blog.. whats the world comming to? It happens.. Owells...
Should i sit here and write like one idiot... those people that write as if its a shakespear script where every single ginormous word there is in the great dictionary of ours need to be included. Man.. seriously WTF!?! Ahh... nothing to take the tension over.. whats the point anyways? not as if anything great is going to be achieved by doing so.. I think im the coolest cat out on town.. i got a blog man! So whats a blog all about? honestly i think its just a place to share about whats happening.. maybe a way to record down all the happenings in your life, in a form that will never be lost.
So ladies and gentlemens.... tell me this. Actually wait.. theres nothing to tell me as i dont have a question to pose. However please tell me things. Now i want to say this. Life.. it sucks major vagina.. Please pardon my french here. Im just completely up to my neck with all the crap that keeps happening. I seriously give life a real hot go hey.. like honestly mate i do. I just dont know how to quit. My never say die attitude has got me soo far.. But how long am i suppose to withstand all this bullshit. Question: When a girl says she wants to be with you and wants to marry you and have your seven kids what does it mean? Well an idiot like me would be like really well thats really nice and i feel the same way about you too.. then the next day you get slapped in your face cus she has to think things through or some shit.. Really is it that hard? make a decision and stick to it. And the part that shits me is, i cant walk away, if she says now that she dont want it forever id be completely devastated. But its not fair on anyone to tell her that.. as no one wants to be in a relationship when it starts because its a comprimise. AGH!!! so damn fustrating!!!! seriously!!! So what do you do.. if you stay you keep getting hurt to the point that all you do is cry.. if you leave you might as well commit suicide. Tough scenario.. trust me.
You see if thats all the worries in the world then the world would be a simple place to live in. However thats only a tiny singular aspect of anyones life. Bills still need to be paid if shes there or not. Life still goes on. Interesting situation actually. Nothing to take too much to the tension about. I dont think white hairs suit me, so id be best advise to cut out the tensioning. Im having chest pains now.. you see a heart attack about 1 month ago now has led to constant angina's. You cant tell anyone that as it draws attention to yourself, and sooner or later everyone will get fed up with it. Tough situation.. but nothing to take too much to the tension to. I mean seriously if i were to drop dead then im dead. Theres no great science to it. No point telling anyone that knows you and adding more problems then there already are. You never know they might even turn around and tell you that hey your just using the sympathy card. Maybe i am.. but i really want to be pampered right now. Ive been going through every single thing in life alone, and its time someone stood by me. I really need it, I really want it. Why is it that im soo willing to give up my happiness just to make the world happy, yet not one single person in the entire world is willing to give up a tiny bit just to make me happy. This is a case of One for all...All for none! Im soo whiny!! woah! but i dont care. Not today. Please allow me to whine. Allow me to tell the world that i feel like absolute cow dung right about now.
"did you know i missed you..My Konstantine"
Should i sit here and write like one idiot... those people that write as if its a shakespear script where every single ginormous word there is in the great dictionary of ours need to be included. Man.. seriously WTF!?! Ahh... nothing to take the tension over.. whats the point anyways? not as if anything great is going to be achieved by doing so.. I think im the coolest cat out on town.. i got a blog man! So whats a blog all about? honestly i think its just a place to share about whats happening.. maybe a way to record down all the happenings in your life, in a form that will never be lost.
So ladies and gentlemens.... tell me this. Actually wait.. theres nothing to tell me as i dont have a question to pose. However please tell me things. Now i want to say this. Life.. it sucks major vagina.. Please pardon my french here. Im just completely up to my neck with all the crap that keeps happening. I seriously give life a real hot go hey.. like honestly mate i do. I just dont know how to quit. My never say die attitude has got me soo far.. But how long am i suppose to withstand all this bullshit. Question: When a girl says she wants to be with you and wants to marry you and have your seven kids what does it mean? Well an idiot like me would be like really well thats really nice and i feel the same way about you too.. then the next day you get slapped in your face cus she has to think things through or some shit.. Really is it that hard? make a decision and stick to it. And the part that shits me is, i cant walk away, if she says now that she dont want it forever id be completely devastated. But its not fair on anyone to tell her that.. as no one wants to be in a relationship when it starts because its a comprimise. AGH!!! so damn fustrating!!!! seriously!!! So what do you do.. if you stay you keep getting hurt to the point that all you do is cry.. if you leave you might as well commit suicide. Tough scenario.. trust me.
You see if thats all the worries in the world then the world would be a simple place to live in. However thats only a tiny singular aspect of anyones life. Bills still need to be paid if shes there or not. Life still goes on. Interesting situation actually. Nothing to take too much to the tension about. I dont think white hairs suit me, so id be best advise to cut out the tensioning. Im having chest pains now.. you see a heart attack about 1 month ago now has led to constant angina's. You cant tell anyone that as it draws attention to yourself, and sooner or later everyone will get fed up with it. Tough situation.. but nothing to take too much to the tension to. I mean seriously if i were to drop dead then im dead. Theres no great science to it. No point telling anyone that knows you and adding more problems then there already are. You never know they might even turn around and tell you that hey your just using the sympathy card. Maybe i am.. but i really want to be pampered right now. Ive been going through every single thing in life alone, and its time someone stood by me. I really need it, I really want it. Why is it that im soo willing to give up my happiness just to make the world happy, yet not one single person in the entire world is willing to give up a tiny bit just to make me happy. This is a case of One for all...All for none! Im soo whiny!! woah! but i dont care. Not today. Please allow me to whine. Allow me to tell the world that i feel like absolute cow dung right about now.
"did you know i missed you..My Konstantine"
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